Working with Joshua is like staging a personal intervention with yourself and the BS holding you back. His skill, knowledge, and compassion immerse you in a powerful ability to evolve. After working with Joshua, I am my own best friend; I have compassion for myself and others; I know and say what is on my mind and heart with discernment and care (or choose not to); and I listen to both myself and others from an “undefended place.” Not perfectly, but consistently.
Everything is possible in my “Life after Joshua” – the way is clear to the life (and love) of my dreams, I am empowered, in touch with my emotions, grateful and happy in my “heart of hearts,” and able to be consistently kind to myself and others. Working with Joshua has allowed me to fully own my power, to celebrate the life I have left to live (I’m 50!), and to show up each day as the person I want to be, creating the life I want to live TODAY. Work with him; it will change you if you’re ready.